Renata Asinelli
Pablo Nacarato
Lucy Crowford
Daniel Trevisan

Treatment & Care

A holistic and proactive approach to health is the best way to improve and maintain your body functions and mobility long-term. We work closely with our patients and empower them to manage symptoms effectively, helping them to keep on with the activities they love.

Care for Your Spine


  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Whiplash
  • Muscle Strain
  • Wry Neck

We employ manual therapy techniques, including joint mobilisation, soft tissue manipulation, and spinal manipulation to alleviate pain and enhance mobility. We prescribe exercises to strengthen supporting muscles and improve wellbeing.

Women surfing

Upper Extremity Conditions


  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Nerve Trauma
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Golfer's Elbow
  • Shoulder Injuries
  • Rotator Cuff Issues
  • Shoulder Bursitis

Our team combines manual therapy and rehabilitative exercises to reduce pain and enhance function in the upper extremities. Addressing muscle imbalances, improving joint mobility, and providing ergonomic guidance are integral parts of our approach.

Shoulder stretching

Head & Neck Conditions


  • Neck Pain
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • TMJ Dysfunction
  • Wry Neck

Utilizing manual therapy, dry needling and craniosacral interventions, we target musculoskeletal contributors to headaches, such as neck tension and poor posture from using too many devices or reading in awkward positions. Through exercises, relaxation techniques, and ergonomic recommendations, we aim to help individuals manage and prevent headaches and other head and neck conditions.

Woman using a computer

Chronic Conditions


  • Chronic pain
  • Lower back
  • Neck pain

Our team takes a holistic approach to managing chronic conditions, emphasizing pain management, functional improvement, and enhanced quality of life. Integrating manual therapy, exercise programs, and patient education, we strive to optimize outcomes for our patients.

Senior working on the garden

Lower Extremity & Pelvic Conditions


  • Pre & Post Pregnancy
  • Pelvic pain
  • Prolapse
  • Pain with Intercourse
  • Incontinence

Our pelvic health physiotherapist Renata Asinelli has over 15 years experience in treating the causes and symptoms of all pelvic health conditions. Treatment includes manual therapy techniques to address pelvic floor dysfunction, as well as exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles and advice on lifestyle modifications. Our team focuses on empowering individuals to manage symptoms effectively.

Pregnant woman